Archive for purposeinlife

Daydreaming is Good….Now Dig Deeper!

Standing here at the register at my shop thinking about the next things I want to say out on my street signage. The other day they fell victim to vandalism and were knocked down. Was I upset?….At first but then I decided to look at it as an opportunity to do more street marketing.

So, my husband, his brother & I reinforced the post to accommodate the banners. As we were out there working, we all laughed at the vandal (whoever he or she may be) saying, “They just don’t know us too well!…Stuff like this only fuels us to dig deeper!”.…We high-fived each other! “It’ll take more than this to run us off!”…..I love it when my husband gets that mindset…He’s a beast when it comes to digging in….

So anyway, it rained really hard just after we poured the concrete. So glad to find out that the concrete set just right.  So,I decided today that I’d mount those banners.  As I grabbed the staple gun, a thought crossed my mind……

“This is what it means to make dreams happen in your life!”……It’s the getting down to the act of making it happen. Whatever that act may be….Even if it calls for working in your brand new sandals……lol

See, today, I wore my brand new sandals…Jazzy wedge I got for a Mother’s day gift from my Bigbaby (My husband)…..With the staple gun in hand heading out the door, I looked down at my sandals and contemplated that today was not the day for all of this.  I was not trying to mess up my new sandals….So I laid the staple gun down and went to stand back behind the counter…..

I began to daydream…..Watching & listening to the traffic roll on by while I wrote post on Facebook, Tumblr…..The phone rings and its one of my clients calling to make an appointment to get her locs retightened because she was about to go on vacation.

The call must have been God’s way of snapping me out of it because I remembered a conversation I had with Bigbaby the night before. I told him that sales dropped in the beginning of summer because of family vacations & increased travel. That I had to step up my advertising to pull people in.

Then I posted this on Facebook, “Self-talk: Daydreaming is good…But at some point, you have to put your feet on the ground to make it happen!…..Get your head out of the clouds & Walk it out!”.… Basically,  get busy putting those banners up….lol

So I grabbed the staple gun again & the banner then walked out to the edge of the street.  Placed my cute sandals in that grass and stapled up those banners……Done! And now that act has fueled me to look around and see what else needs to be updated.

I’m a daydreamer. My imagination can run run run away with me.  I think it’s a good thing to daydream, ponder, just get lost in your thoughts. It’s in those thoughts that I see the big picture. The master plan…The template…. But those dreams & visions are no good if they stay in your head. At some point, you have to bring your head out of those clouds and put together a plan of action.

Write the vision and make it plain the Bible says. Put those thoughts on paper. Lay it out. Organize your thoughts. Those dreams are real. Yes, they can really come true. But not if they just remain a figment of your imagination. The dream…The vision is just the beginning. Now you have to do some research….

Consider the cost! What will it take to make this happen?….

I use the internet for pretty much all on my research. I’m up til the wee hours of the morning reading about the next essential oil I want to use in my next creation. And let me tell you, if you don’t like to read, you better pray that God open the flood gates on your love for reading because without it, you remain confused….uneducated…ignorant….I’m just keeping it real….

Its in the research that I gain my confidence. Its in the research that locks the information in my brain. Its in the research that I discover the information I need to make my dreams come to life. So, I’ll go on record to say if you’re not a reader, your dreams have a poor chance of making it.

You can’t just listen to what other people say….You have to know for yourself. I’m not trying to offend you or call you stupid if you don’t like to read. I’m just saying how important it is to you & your future.  The research is in the reading…..That’s the digging deeper!

So what am I trying to say?…..In a nutshell, Daydreaming is good…But at some point, you have to put your feet on the ground to make it happen!…..Get your head out of the clouds & Walk it out!”……

Your dreams should wake your life up. Give you purpose. A reason to get up every morning because you’ve got things to do. I don’t watch TV half as much as I used to. I mean I have my shows I still like to watch but now I’m watching them with my computer in my lap. I don’t even feel right watching TV if I’m not updating my website or marketing on some social network. I’ve got things to do & little time to do them.

I consider my time precious, very valuable because tomorrow is not promised to me. I have but a small window of life to make my mark. God has given me many talents & its up to me to use them to make a difference in the world whether it be through running my business or mentoring or simply being a good friend.

I have to walk out this life to the fullest.  God says He has come that we may have life and have it more abundantly….Its in the abundantly that I strive to live in. Dream big I say…Go for it….But also do the things needed to make those things happen.

One of my favorite scriptures that keeps me striving is Joshua 1:3. It says I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you-

That my friends is what you call Treading…. Unless the tread of the tire touches the ground, the car will not move.

The life that God has for you is already yours but you have to go after it. Do what you have to do with what you’ve got! No, not tomorrow!…. Go get some paper & write the vision today! Start the research towards making it happen. Find others who are like-minded & begin to network. Take baby steps so you won’t get discouraged…. But whatever you do keep treading….Keep moving!…..

Yes! You can lose that weight!…You daydream about the size you want to be. So go get busy!

Yes! You can own your own business!…You always daydream about it. Now go make it happen!

Yes! You can get that degree!!!! Go find out what it will take for you to start your classes!

Whatever it is you dream about doing in your life is possible….You just have to go for it! Make the tread touch the road……

Well, I hope this helped you….. I had to come to myself and get busy!

Oh yeah!….My sandals are still flawless & fly!!!!!!!

jazzy sandalUntil next time……I’m GloFly!

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